Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante vitae nulla vulputate elementum. Maecenas imperdiet malesuada lacinia. Donec sit amet aliquet urna. Nam sit amet eros dapibus, commodo ligula a, imperdiet mi. Fusce rhoncus eros in leo rutrum, at lobortis leo sodales. Quisque nibh tellus, rutrum placerat turpis ac, ullamcorper suscipit nisl. Nullam faucibus quam a leo imperdiet, vel blandit nibh iaculis. Duis efficitur ipsum eu eros fermentum, in volutpat erat tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet vulputate sem. Donec vel facilisis est. Morbi vitae mollis massa, sed maximus ex. Duis elit orci, scelerisque ut erat eu, tincidunt euismod erat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed at ante vitae nulla vulputate elementum. Maecenas imperdiet malesuada lacinia. Donec sit amet aliquet urna. Nam sit amet eros dapibus, commodo ligula a, imperdiet mi. Fusce rhoncus eros in leo rutrum, at lobortis leo sodales. Quisque nibh tellus, rutrum placerat turpis ac, ullamcorper suscipit nisl. Nullam faucibus quam a leo imperdiet, vel blandit nibh iaculis. Duis efficitur ipsum eu eros fermentum, in volutpat erat tincidunt. Curabitur sit amet vulputate sem. Donec vel facilisis est. Morbi vitae mollis massa, sed maximus ex. Duis elit orci, scelerisque ut erat eu, tincidunt euismod erat.

Praise for this course:

About the instructor

Account Executive. Olympian. Sales Guru.

Jeff Batchelor

At the age of eight I set the goal to compete in the Olympics in Snowboarding. Thirteen years later I represented Canada in the 2010 Winter Olympics. Much like your most intense passion, selling is always 100% a work in progress; you can only get better. Question Based Selling methodology has lead my success thus far, along with many mentors and peers along the way. Process is everything; your winning mindset will be a biproduct of your processes.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Trek 2: Conversational Layering

    • What's your strategy for causing customers or clients to "want" to engage?

    • What's your strategy for causing customers or clients to "want" to engage?

    • Where sellers hit the brick wall.

    • Trek 2 Objectives

  • 2

    The Conversational Layering Model

    • I have a question for you...

    • Energizing existing clients & engaging new prospects.

    • No gimmicks or tricks here.

    • Trek 2 Exercise: Document your current voicemail.

    • The key to building effective relationships.

    • Introducing the conversational layering model.

    • Why a conversational layering model?

    • Crawl, walk, run

    • The logic.

    • The risk of probing too much too soon.

    • The paradigm shift.

    • Mini Quiz

    • Yet another key question!

  • 3

    What's your strategy for building credibility?

    • What is your strategy for establishing credibility with prospective clients?

    • We explain how to earn credibility.

  • 4

    Securing the prospect's time and attention.

    • Securing the prospect's time and attention.

    • What gets in the way?

    • The reality for most salespeople.

    • Talking over a jetliner.

    • What should worry you.

    • Trek 2 Exercise: Voicemail

    • Mini Quiz

  • 5

    The genesis of every sale.

    • Back to the conversational layering model.

    • Drumroll...CURIOSITY.

    • Mini Quiz

    • The most common reply.

    • A word from Jeff Batchelor

  • 6

    Putting it all together.

    • Conversational layering - back to front

    • How the top performing salespeople do it

    • Mini Quiz

    • We're going to teach you how.

    • Most importantly.

  • 7

    Conversational Layering - Recap

    • Conversational Layering - Recap

    • Trek Test

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